Tuesday, January 11, 2011

open mic

Why is it that we try so hard just to be told that we can't make the cut? Then, we don't want to try any more, but if we stick to it, and don't give up, who knows, we could be the next Michael Jordan. Failure is never final until we lose the courage to get back up.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Film Analysis

O Brother Where Art Thou
Ordinary world: Evert,Pete and Delmar were all in prison and they got out because they were chained up together.

Call: Evert told them that there was treasure and so they escaped prison to go and find it 

Refusal: Evert was just lying to them so that he could try to go and stop his wife from getting marred so now they are on the run.

Mentor: Evert talks Pete and Delmar into going all that way and they had no clue that really Evert was trying to stop his wife from marring this other guy.

Threshold: We thought you was a toad. They started on there journey and were being chased by the police and Delmar was captured but soon after was saved.

tests,allies,enemies: Delmar was caught by the police and was being beaten and told them about the treasure and then Evert tells them both that there never was a treasure so they get into a fight over it. they made a lot of allies like George nelson and Tommy Johnson, the police the KKK, big Dan. 

Approach: Evert goes and finds his wife and tells here that he is a new man and finds out that she told there kids he was killed by a train and then gets in a fight with her the man she loves

ordeal: When they go into sing at there her wedding and she docent even know that it is them and the people from the KKK are there and try to expose them but the one guy gets taken out on a rail and then Evert gets his wife back until he has to find the right ring. And the police are waiting for them at there old house and catch them there and are going to hang them.
reward: The river that was supposed to run high starts up right when they are about to die and so it kills every one but those three and he gets his wife and they all go on with there life's

Sunday, December 5, 2010

50 word story

I'm going to miss her
By Brad Paisley

There is a man that he has this really big fishing trip and when he went to the door his girl friend was right there and she told him that if he went fishing today that she would be gone by noon and so he decided to go and  fishing.

Monday, November 29, 2010


1 She likes this guy and he is with this other girl that is just so popular and she do not even the know the songs or any thing that he likes and so Taylor swift thinks that he belongs with her because she knows all of the things he likes and knows him.  Mr Fredrickson  
http://www.lyricsmania.com/you_belong_with_me_lyrics_taylor_swift.html    Title: You Belong With Me
Song Artist: Taylor Swift

2 There is a guy that keeps on lying to his girl and she keeps on leaving him and he is so tired of it so he tells her that if she ever goes off again and leaves him that he is going to tie her down to the bed and he is going to burn the house down with her in side. Quantum  Love The Way You Lie 

3 Andre he has to go to prison because of his friend and when he gets out of prison and goes out for blood he finds out that his friend is dead and so he cant get the revenge that he wanted.  Shenanigans 
Ru RunawayLovenaway Love    http://artists.letssingit.com/ludacris-lyrics-runaway-love-feat-mary-j-blige-sxphxj6

4 There is a guy that is out on the beach and he sees the girl that he has been after for so long and he really likes her and he is just not sure if she is worth going after still
"FIRST DAY OF MY LIFE" http://www.plyrics.com/lyrics/brighteyes/firstdayofmylife.html

5 There is a father and his son they are on there way back home and he was going to fast so he had to hit his breaks to not run the red light and he swears under his breath and then he hears his son say the exact same words and realized they were the exact same  Pearl Hart    
Wachin' You by Rodney Atkins


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Top 10 Sixers

Could have been great, but wasn't.
Still go to our meeting spot.
Talking and still think you're there.
You can always go back home.
Always believe, or Santa won't come.
Some one else's mountain is always bigger.
Don't stop, keep on moving ahead.
Bacon and eggs really sound good.
Remember to dream big and live.
Work today for tomorrow we play.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Song Lyrics

Song title: Cats in the Cradle
Song artist: Harry Chapin

Plot: There is a dad that was always gone. He was not even around when his son was born. The dad was never around to see him grow or take his first steps. He missed even seeing his kid take his first steps. The son kept telling his dad when he got older that he was going to be just like his dad. When that dad can finally have time to get together with the son, the son can't because of his new job and so his dad realized that his sun was just like him.

Characters:  Dad and his son


Conflict: That the dad can never find time for his son and when he finally finds time for his son, his son can't find time for him. The son had grown up to be just like his dad.

Theme: Take time for things that matter.

Setting: Work, home, plane, busy America


Sunday, October 31, 2010


A man and a women are flying in a private plane. The plane is starting to go down.

W- What are we going to do? The pilot is knocked out and we don't know how to fly the plane!!!!!!!!!
M- If this is it, I have to tell you some thing. You were not the only person that was in my life.
W- What are you talking about?

M- While you were in Canada helping your mother, I met up with an old girl friend from high school.
W- Are you kidding me? I can't believe you are telling me this now.
M- I was hoping that you would kill me before the plane crashed.
W- Don't worry I am going to.